Saturday, August 1, 2009


I keep on blogging, and then stopping. I'm never being consistent. But I think I'm starting to doing it daily now! I just recently made this "twitter" thing, and I've been twittering in it like all day long. But I think I'm using it more as of a blog than a twitter. So I guess I'm back ('= I know I started this like last year. But I'm still new at this, so bare with me.

Summer 09' Oh, can I tell you, how great has it been. Going out, meeting new people, seeing knew things, etc. Finally having that trust of my parents. They're finally treating me the age that I am. They might not be the nicest people when it comes to letting me leave the house, but I know they just care (= It doesn't bother me as much as before. Cos I understand it, now. Best of all this summer, I finally learn who I am, in the inside. I really can be independent. I just can depend of myself when it comes to anything. Handling my own problems, and being on my own. & I really can prove to myself that If I can have a goal I can achieve it. I know it isn't easy as it seems. But the feeling of finishing one is the best. You feel your body temperature rise, your heart beats fast, and you basically feel like your on top of the world. There's only one person that helped me become this way. Well not help, more like told me I needed to make a dramatic change... I couldn't understand why I needed too, but I'm glad I took that advice and I actually came through and did it. That "Sydnee" you saw around a couple months ago, isn't around anymore ('=