I just had a great talk with you baby ('= Even when he tells me he isn't gonna call me as a punishment cos I kept on complaining. He still does it just to make me happy. ('; In just the next 4 minutes, that 8 days is going to turn into 7. Just another day less I have to wait. & Pfft. I'm so not being a loser and counting down all of the days til your coming home ... okay so maybe I told a little lie! But who hasn't? I've never ever been so excited, ever!
I know we're going to have days where we don't wanna talk to each other. I know one day I'm going to give you the silent treatment. I know one day, you're not gonna call me when you actually tell me you're not gonna call me. I know those days are gonna come. It might not be soon, cos I really hope it doesn't. But I know it will. But you know what? I think I'm going to actually suck it up. Because it doesn't matter if you're not gonna talk to me for a day. It doesn't matter if you don't talk to me for 2 hours, or even 2 seconds. I'll always be happy, because baby- I have my whole life to talk to you, I have my whole life to be with you, <3
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sql; What do you guys wanna hear now?
Andy; I wanna hear anything but you
Sql; Who sings it?
Sql; Dude just tell me who sings it
Andy; I wanna hear ANYTHING but you
^ They always gang up on me & make fun of me ];<
Andy; I wanna hear anything but you
Sql; Who sings it?
Sql; Dude just tell me who sings it
Andy; I wanna hear ANYTHING but you
^ They always gang up on me & make fun of me ];<
Sick once more
I have the worst headache right now. And I know its nasty, but I just puked twice ];< I feel like I'm sea sick, but I wasn't even on a boat, & my tummy all icky feeling. Gawwd. What is up with me. I always get sick, nowadays. This is like the second time this summer. I hope it goes away quick, cos summer is almost going bye bye. I hate the feeling of being sick. All I wanna do is sleep all day long . Sigh sigh. Well today, Christy didn't even take me out for Crawfish, but we had some yummy Del Taco. I even paid for everything ('; Haha, oh yummy!

BABYBOYCMN, I love you a whole lot. And I'm missing you like crazy right now. But your always so busy and you never have a chance to talk to me ];< You're always playing your "pew pew" games, and I'm always like getting myself ready. You like playing games more than talking to me)'= Watta bad baby. I'm just kidding. I think its so cute how you always win games just for me. I'm always in your mind, always. We need to find a time where its just me & you talking, with no interruptions, ('= God baby, this never felt so right. Its just another 8 days til you come back home. And to be exact another 192 hours. I counted :) I miss your tight tight bear hugs, & your warm yummy kisses. And I know you miss mine too. But who ever said that they were ever faraway? Mwaah :-*

The list of things we need to do together BEFORE summer ends;
-Go to an Tuesday Angel's game
-You sleep over at my house
-Go out & have dinner together
-Have 4958958 million alone dates
-Swim in your pool :)
-Go to the beach
-Eat com ga at 1.99
-Watch a movie @ my house
-Watah a movie @ your house
-Make a C-walk video together!!!
-Take a nice long walk at the park
-Take a nice long walk around the neighborhood block
-Do some goodloving (';
-Go to Chuck E Cheeses!
-Make breakfast, lunch & dinner
-Bake a cake/cupcakes/brownies
-Visit DaddyHjv!
-Build a bear @ Build a Bear w/ Mama Helene♥
^Haha , I can't think of anything else ]:<
But I'll sure think of more later!

BABYBOYCMN, I love you a whole lot. And I'm missing you like crazy right now. But your always so busy and you never have a chance to talk to me ];< You're always playing your "pew pew" games, and I'm always like getting myself ready. You like playing games more than talking to me)'= Watta bad baby. I'm just kidding. I think its so cute how you always win games just for me. I'm always in your mind, always. We need to find a time where its just me & you talking, with no interruptions, ('= God baby, this never felt so right. Its just another 8 days til you come back home. And to be exact another 192 hours. I counted :) I miss your tight tight bear hugs, & your warm yummy kisses. And I know you miss mine too. But who ever said that they were ever faraway? Mwaah :-*

The list of things we need to do together BEFORE summer ends;
-Go to an Tuesday Angel's game
-You sleep over at my house
-Go out & have dinner together
-Have 4958958 million alone dates
-Swim in your pool :)
-Go to the beach
-Eat com ga at 1.99
-Watch a movie @ my house
-Watah a movie @ your house
-Make a C-walk video together!!!
-Take a nice long walk at the park
-Take a nice long walk around the neighborhood block
-Do some goodloving (';
-Go to Chuck E Cheeses!
-Make breakfast, lunch & dinner
-Bake a cake/cupcakes/brownies
-Visit DaddyHjv!
-Build a bear @ Build a Bear w/ Mama Helene♥
^Haha , I can't think of anything else ]:<
But I'll sure think of more later!
New set of eyes.
Last night, we were at it again. And it was just the first day -.- I admit, I wasn't myself. And you admit, you weren't yourself either. So I guess it was both of our fault. You left me one more time on aim last night. I felt my temperature rise, heart skipped just about 2 beats, and my fist curling up into a ball. I basically just grabbed my ipod, jumped into my bed, & just laid there, looking at the ceiling. The all of a sudden I see this light, this light hitting the ceiling. I look down, and its my phone vibrating. I look at the name, and its my baby. He actually cared, he actually apologized first, he actually called me for a goodnight, and we said our "I love yous", and "I miss yous". That was like the highlight of my night. Inside of me, I kept on wanting to talk to him. Oh, how I miss his voice. How I just wanted to continue to talk about how happy he makes me. And how much I love him. But I know, I know hes tired. And I know sleep is really important. For once I stopped caring about myself, and I put him first. And I just told him, that we could talk tomorrow, cos it would be much a better day. Without the fuss, without the drama, and best of all without the fighting.
While we're at it, I'll admit another thing. I've been always looking the bad into things. Always looking for the most negative thing and I keep on putting it all against you, baby. I'm sorry. This is so unreal to me. I don't know why ... Its like you just walked out of my life like 2 months ago, and then all it took was just a one single day and you're back in it again. Its gonna take a lot of changes. But I'll get use to it all. Why look at the bad? When its always something good in it. Why look at the negative? When there's always a positive. I'm going to throw away this old set, and put these new set of eyes on. Because I know the past was the past, and this is our chance to start all over, with a new beginning. We're able to have a new start! You make me cry, you make me so mad to the point where I wanna like punch you, you make me so disappointed, you make me fill my body with anger, yet you make me so happy, you make me laugh, you make me have those butterflies into my tummy. You give me that bittersweet love that, I'm addicted to. I can never stay mad at you for long, because you always have that special magic that gets me to always forgive you. I know for a fact now, I'm the only girl in your eyes. And your the only guy, in mine. I'm finally all yours, and your finally all mine. & I never could have been any happier.

The first night we webcammed this summer. It was about 12:00midnight, I was so tired, I looked like poop cos I had no make up on & I was sick like a dawg];<, but you still called me "pretty". And best of all you still managed to put that smile go across my face.
While we're at it, I'll admit another thing. I've been always looking the bad into things. Always looking for the most negative thing and I keep on putting it all against you, baby. I'm sorry. This is so unreal to me. I don't know why ... Its like you just walked out of my life like 2 months ago, and then all it took was just a one single day and you're back in it again. Its gonna take a lot of changes. But I'll get use to it all. Why look at the bad? When its always something good in it. Why look at the negative? When there's always a positive. I'm going to throw away this old set, and put these new set of eyes on. Because I know the past was the past, and this is our chance to start all over, with a new beginning. We're able to have a new start! You make me cry, you make me so mad to the point where I wanna like punch you, you make me so disappointed, you make me fill my body with anger, yet you make me so happy, you make me laugh, you make me have those butterflies into my tummy. You give me that bittersweet love that, I'm addicted to. I can never stay mad at you for long, because you always have that special magic that gets me to always forgive you. I know for a fact now, I'm the only girl in your eyes. And your the only guy, in mine. I'm finally all yours, and your finally all mine. & I never could have been any happier.

The first night we webcammed this summer. It was about 12:00midnight, I was so tired, I looked like poop cos I had no make up on & I was sick like a dawg];<, but you still called me "pretty". And best of all you still managed to put that smile go across my face.
Friday, August 7, 2009
& I thought you were serious
You constantly play with my emotions. Play with my heart. Telling me you need me, then later, its you leaving me. I really thought it was gonna be different. Urgh . You wanna put me second? I don't wanna take the second spot. I wanna be the first. The one & only. No other spot. What did I ever do wrong to have you ever treat me this way. Telling me shes just a friend. I have eyes, I can see its 'bestfriends'. I know. I'm not dumb. Sigh ... You owe me a big explanation .
So was today a good day?
My PartnerinCrime; Christy is FINALLY taking me out tomorrow and shes buying me yummy crawfish. We're gonna go to Crawfish house! Even though that place gives me tummy aches after, I gotta go through the pain JUST for her('; unceunce CHRISTy (4:28:14 PM): yes, i dont keep my words on other things, but i do keep them for crawfish < Christy if tomorrow you bail out on me, I'm going to use this against you. You promised!
See we can't stay mad for to long
This thing we have its just to strong
Even when we don't get along
We always come around
Its just me, you, we, us, together, apart, whatever, until its done.
Leave just to come right back again.
Leave just to come right back again ...
This song always reminds me of us. My world revolves around you. Whatever we do, we end up loving eachother more. Through all of the fuss, through all of the fighting. I'm glad how we turn out today. This summer was just a setback. I love you baby.
See we can't stay mad for to long
This thing we have its just to strong
Even when we don't get along
We always come around
Its just me, you, we, us, together, apart, whatever, until its done.
Leave just to come right back again.
Leave just to come right back again ...
This song always reminds me of us. My world revolves around you. Whatever we do, we end up loving eachother more. Through all of the fuss, through all of the fighting. I'm glad how we turn out today. This summer was just a setback. I love you baby.
I miss ...
Oh I miss how boys had cooties. I miss how I only said, "I love yous" to my parents. I miss how those 3 meaningful words weren't thrown around so often, and you only said it if you meant it. I've never felt so hurt in my life. What does love mean ..? I don't even know anymore. The only person I know that loves me inside and out, is my baby Jv <3 Jane Vu. The only girl that brings out the inner smiles in me. The only girl that can make me happy after just a 11 minute and 38 second phone call. 3yrs and still going, baby!
The first smiles I had today. V

The first smiles I had today. V

I'm up so early. Its so crazy. I can't even go back to sleep. Yesterday was such a fun day, I loved every single moment of it. Till I got home and then I found out my DaddyHjv, might go away. That basically messed up my whole night. But its just a 50/50 chance that he might leave. I really hope he doesn't. Lets hope God listens to my prayers for the next couple of days. I was so tired, I knocked out by like 10:00 last night. Then around 12, I just woke up again. Its been happening to me a lot. And I wake up around like 4am in the morning again. Whats wrong with me, why can't I sleep! I guess there has been a lot of things on my mind lately. I hope he just makes the right decision and doesn't regret it. Cos I'm giving him my whole heart, while hes only giving half. Sigh sigh * I hate how I'm impatient, I hate how I've got such a jealousy issue. What to do .. what to do.
My baby sister Julie Le is leaving today to Florida for 5 fucken days )'= Imma miss her like crazy. Even though its only 5 days, I'm going to feel like something is missing. When I've got shit to handle, she won't be there. When I'm in desperate need of a ride, she won't be there either. When I'm bored out of my mind, she won't be there to talk to either ];< Babyguh came to visit me last night before she would leave today. Sigh sigh. I was I was like small enough to fit into her luggage and go with her. I'll miss you! <3 I can't wait till you come back home. I lovelovelove you. :-*
Last night;
Sql- Shes not that pretty right? I mean look at her
Jl- In that picture she looks cute.
* Clicks on picture to enlarge
^ God I'm going to miss these convos with you ];<
My baby sister Julie Le is leaving today to Florida for 5 fucken days )'= Imma miss her like crazy. Even though its only 5 days, I'm going to feel like something is missing. When I've got shit to handle, she won't be there. When I'm in desperate need of a ride, she won't be there either. When I'm bored out of my mind, she won't be there to talk to either ];< Babyguh came to visit me last night before she would leave today. Sigh sigh. I was I was like small enough to fit into her luggage and go with her. I'll miss you! <3 I can't wait till you come back home. I lovelovelove you. :-*
Last night;
Sql- Shes not that pretty right? I mean look at her
Jl- In that picture she looks cute.
* Clicks on picture to enlarge
^ God I'm going to miss these convos with you ];<
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I have really fallen in love ...
with you, Smart Water!

Dear Mother Nature,
Why do you give California such hot weather?! Its seriously frying me up. I'm just sitting here, and I can feel myself sweat. Can you please just cool it down just a little? Like kick down a TINY notch. Cos the hot weather is seriously getting to my head. I've been such a bitch lately cos of this damn weather ];< That's all I'm asking for right now, its just a simple request. Just to make it less so fucken hot. Thank you. Love, Queenie.
I'm sorry to everyone who I've been bitching too or acted like a bitch towards them. Gawd this weather just, Urrrgh. I wish it was winter, where you can snuggle with the one you love, and get warm :) That sounds really good right now. I miss my baby. Sigh sigh* Why can't he just understand that it hurts me. Why can't he just call, and we can finally talk it out. I'm so confused. I'm so lost. What happened to me being strong? Hes my weakness. All of the walls I put up, he always ends up knocking them down...)'=

Dear Mother Nature,
Why do you give California such hot weather?! Its seriously frying me up. I'm just sitting here, and I can feel myself sweat. Can you please just cool it down just a little? Like kick down a TINY notch. Cos the hot weather is seriously getting to my head. I've been such a bitch lately cos of this damn weather ];< That's all I'm asking for right now, its just a simple request. Just to make it less so fucken hot. Thank you. Love, Queenie.
I'm sorry to everyone who I've been bitching too or acted like a bitch towards them. Gawd this weather just, Urrrgh. I wish it was winter, where you can snuggle with the one you love, and get warm :) That sounds really good right now. I miss my baby. Sigh sigh* Why can't he just understand that it hurts me. Why can't he just call, and we can finally talk it out. I'm so confused. I'm so lost. What happened to me being strong? Hes my weakness. All of the walls I put up, he always ends up knocking them down...)'=
Paul "Dj Peewhee" Le.
You have made such a big impact in my life. Words can't even describe the love that I have for you. You've always been there for me. Through everything, always giving me second chances, and I always end up messing it up. You're the closest family member I have. It gives me chills every time I think about how me and you share the same blood. I'm so thankful that the world gave me such a wonderful cousin. After reading what you wrote about me, I took the time and I thought about how much "shit" we went through. & I finally realized that I'm always the wrong one. You were just only doing whats best for me, but I was so greedy, I was so stubborn I never listened. I just continued what I was doing, careless about how you would feel. I always tried to hide things from you, knowing that sooner or later you're gonna find out. I don't even know why I even did those type of things, but I guess that's part of what growing up means. You learn from your mistakes. And Paul, you made me realize all of the mistakes that I made. I finally understand why you "scare", and give me "lectures" all the time. Its not because you hate me, its not because you're bored and have nothing else to do. Its only because you care, and you love me. You telling me all of this doesn't effect you, I only effects me. And I would like to thank you, thank you for everything that you have done for me. I love you Cuhhz, always and forever.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The fever, bloody noses, constant coughing, and unable to breathe sickness finally went away ('= I woke up this morning around like 12pm, and I got ready right away. Julie came to pick me up around like 2! Then Christy & I, stopped by Roger's house. Kekeke. I saw my Kevin Ha<3 After like 3 weeks without seeing that felluh, I miss him. Even though we only hung out for like 20 minutes, cos that loser had to go home! Well Christy & I was hanging out at Roger's house for a bit, then we walked back out to Boiling Crab to go eat for Julie's dinner. Yummy Cajun fries & the hot wings, my favvy! Then we took cues, drank tasteas, and walked around. Then my DaddyHjv, came to pick me up & we hung out for a bit then he drove me home ('= He gave me the longest lecture!];< I think hes the first person I like hearing/getting lectures from though. Cos at the end of the day, I always learn something new! I think today was a pretty good day. I bonded with everyone, and everything went great. ("; Well night night world. Going to bed soon. Another great day tomorrow to look forward too. P.S. Happy 14th Birthday Julie Le <3 I love you baby!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I'm so sick. I've never felt this sick in my life. My whole body aches. There's a fucken bruise on my ass, and I can't lay down straight. My voice cracks. My arms are so sore because I've been laying on my sides. I cough, and then those yucky mucus shit comes out. Its filling up my throat )'= My left nose I can breathe! My right, has so much shit in it, I can't breathe at all. So I'm like depending on my mouth & left nose to breathe. And I sound like a man. I've been stuck in bed since like 11 this morning. I had to wake up for Church for the first time for the last 4 weeks. Mommy has been lazy to go, and she finally went this week. I hate stupid old guys who check out me & my sister; Shirley every time we walk pass. At least have some respect, we're in God's house. Urgh. After this. I think I'm just gonna lay in bed and watch Disney Channel all day long. I don't even wanna stay on. I'm so tired. & I'm so sore. All I want right now is Mama's home made hot hot tea w/ lemon on the side. After 6 days straight going out, I think today I'm just gonna stay in the house and rest. I gotta get myself better for tomorrow. Its my baby Julie Le's party! And we gotta party "hard". But the way I'm feeling right now, I don't think I can. )'= Well back to bed. Current favorite song; Back Again - Andre Merritt
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