Saturday, August 8, 2009

New set of eyes.

Last night, we were at it again. And it was just the first day -.- I admit, I wasn't myself. And you admit, you weren't yourself either. So I guess it was both of our fault. You left me one more time on aim last night. I felt my temperature rise, heart skipped just about 2 beats, and my fist curling up into a ball. I basically just grabbed my ipod, jumped into my bed, & just laid there, looking at the ceiling. The all of a sudden I see this light, this light hitting the ceiling. I look down, and its my phone vibrating. I look at the name, and its my baby. He actually cared, he actually apologized first, he actually called me for a goodnight, and we said our "I love yous", and "I miss yous". That was like the highlight of my night. Inside of me, I kept on wanting to talk to him. Oh, how I miss his voice. How I just wanted to continue to talk about how happy he makes me. And how much I love him. But I know, I know hes tired. And I know sleep is really important. For once I stopped caring about myself, and I put him first. And I just told him, that we could talk tomorrow, cos it would be much a better day. Without the fuss, without the drama, and best of all without the fighting.

While we're at it, I'll admit another thing. I've been always looking the bad into things. Always looking for the most negative thing and I keep on putting it all against you, baby. I'm sorry. This is so unreal to me. I don't know why ... Its like you just walked out of my life like 2 months ago, and then all it took was just a one single day and you're back in it again. Its gonna take a lot of changes. But I'll get use to it all. Why look at the bad? When its always something good in it. Why look at the negative? When there's always a positive. I'm going to throw away this old set, and put these new set of eyes on. Because I know the past was the past, and this is our chance to start all over, with a new beginning. We're able to have a new start! You make me cry, you make me so mad to the point where I wanna like punch you, you make me so disappointed, you make me fill my body with anger, yet you make me so happy, you make me laugh, you make me have those butterflies into my tummy. You give me that bittersweet love that, I'm addicted to. I can never stay mad at you for long, because you always have that special magic that gets me to always forgive you. I know for a fact now, I'm the only girl in your eyes. And your the only guy, in mine. I'm finally all yours, and your finally all mine. & I never could have been any happier.

The first night we webcammed this summer. It was about 12:00midnight, I was so tired, I looked like poop cos I had no make up on & I was sick like a dawg];<, but you still called me "pretty". And best of all you still managed to put that smile go across my face.